How to Baffle Web Trackers by Obfuscating Your Movements Online
ONLINE AD NETWORKS and search engines love it when you surf around. Everything you do—every page you load, every query you type—helps them build a profile of you, the betterRead More →
ONLINE AD NETWORKS and search engines love it when you surf around. Everything you do—every page you load, every query you type—helps them build a profile of you, the betterRead More →
VMware has patched an information disclosure vulnerability affecting a number of its products that use Flex BlazeDS. The original vulnerability was discovered and disclosed in August by Matthias Kaiser ofRead More →
Rohit Jawa fools officer into revealing personal details. Police officers investigating an eBay scammer must have been very surprised when the criminal, in a bold act of courage, stole their identitiesRead More →
Starwood Hotels & Resorts Worldwide Inc said payment systems at 54 of its hotels in North America had been infected with a malware designed to collect payment card data. ARead More →
Even factory reset cannot smite the foulness that is Shedun. Michael Bentley of security-through-analytics outfit Lookout has found android malware that does not require user permission to install. Bentley, Lookout’sRead More →
Developers at LinkedIn fixed a persistent cross site scripting vulnerability in the social network this week that could have been exploited to spread a worm on the service’s help forums.Read More →
Brazilian whacks Arris for easy-t-o-guess default password, fix promised fast. Security bod Bernardo Rodrigues has found a backdoor-within-a-backdoor affecting some 600,000 Arris cable modems. The broadband kit company said, inRead More →
In this post, we will take a high and low-level look at the Pony Trojan, delivered through a recent spam campaign. During our case study we showed some malicious samples being distributed in spamRead More →
Mac malware is a thing. It’s real. Granted it hasn’t reached the critical mass of malicious code for Windows, but recent encounters with WireLurker, XcodeGhost and YiSpecter among others haveRead More →
How dare they demand we do exactly what we demand of them! The foreign rotters. A report laid before the US Congress yesterday encouraged lawmakers to allow American companies respondingRead More →