XSS Shell- Cross Site Scripting
XSS-Shell Intro:- XSS Shell framework uses cross-site scripting to get reverse shell. In order to attack on the victim’s web browser you just need an XSS flaw to run XSSRead More →
XSS-Shell Intro:- XSS Shell framework uses cross-site scripting to get reverse shell. In order to attack on the victim’s web browser you just need an XSS flaw to run XSSRead More →
Trape Intro:- Trape is a OSINT (Open Source Intelligence Tool) is a tracking tool in which you can execute social engineering attack in a real time, ethical hacking specialists clarifies. ItRead More →
CRUNCH INTRO:- While cracking the password, attacker always needs an wordlist. Normally, wordlist use thousand of words per second to crack the password. If attacker gathers some information about theRead More →
As per ethical hacking professionals, Nbtstat is a network tool that is used to check the running TCP/IP connections. Nbtstat list all the network connections that are used in WindowsRead More →
SHODAN:- Shodan is a scanner which finds devices connected over the internet. Shodan can finds devices like traffic lights, security cameras, home heating devices and baby monitors, ethical hacking consultantsRead More →
JOHN THE RIPPER:- John the ripper is a password cracker tool, which try to detect weak passwords. John the ripper can run on wide variety of passwords and hashes. ThisRead More →
BABYSPLOIT INTRO:- Babysploit is a pentesting tool kit used in initial phase of pentesting. BabySploit mostly covers each and every scan. This tool is a bundle of all the smallRead More →
Recon-ng is a tool written in python mostly used in information gathering with its independent modules, keys list and other modules. This tool is preloaded with lots of modules whichRead More →
WHAT IS A DNS (DOMAIN NAME SERVER)? Domain Name Server or we can say Domain Name System is a distributed method that helps humans to remember name of any website.Read More →
MASSBLEED:- Massbleed is a SSL vulnerability scanner. Its mainly check vulnerability in ssl of the target sites, as per ethical hacking investigators. Massbleed is an open source project and canRead More →