how to check if someone is spying on your mobile
Different users have their own requirement for using any application. For finding any good application which make our task to be done quickly. Users usually uses android play store forRead More →
Mobile Security Incident News | Infosec Blog | Mobile Security Tutorials
Different users have their own requirement for using any application. For finding any good application which make our task to be done quickly. Users usually uses android play store forRead More →
As social media users, we are all exposed to various malicious activities, especially younger people. According to information security experts, some threat actors are taking advantage of a small InstagramRead More →
For a few months now WhatsApp began to take some steps to try to combat the mass sending of fake news through this platform. As reported by web application securityRead More →
Privacy is a primary feature for many users of online services concerned about their information security, so tools like Telegram, instant messaging app with a specialized focus on privacy findRead More →
Technology companies get involve in increasingly invasive practices, so users’ privacy is compromised as never seen before. According to information security services specialists, Apple and its contractors have access toRead More →
Earlier in part I we have shown adb hacks which are used in testing or foot printing phases. That how adb (android debug bridge) can be used in gathering informationRead More →
Before knowing the rooting process, you must understand android architecture. On how android applications work or how Linux kernel provide services to the upper layer, all these concepts are theRead More →
Multiple technology implementations that once existed only in science fiction are now common in millions of homes. According to cybersecurity services specialists, a clear example are voice-activated apps, such asRead More →
According to cybersecurity specialists, every year thousands of users of telecommunications companies suffer hacking attacks that aim to take control of their phone numbers to perform identity fraud, extortion, amongRead More →
Many times pentesters/ security researchers needs to scan URLs or they need to do penetration testing immediately. For that pentesters cannot use laptops or tablets all the times. As theyRead More →