1. Bitcoin
As everyone knows Bitcoin is a decentralized digital currency and it’s a crypto currency. It doesn’t have any central bank or an administrator. As commented by researcher of International Institute of Cyber Security, “most of the countries use this currency and moreover hackers use this most when they demand after compromising the organization.”
Bitcoin is invented by Satoshi Nakamoto anonymous person in the year of 2008 and code released in the year 2009 Jan. This is open-source software.
We can earn Bitcoins, by mining, and buying
In most of the countries Bitcoin or crypto currency is legal and illegal

- In most of the countries, bitcoin or cryptocurrency is legal and illegal
- Green: legal in these countries
- Red: illegal in these countries
- Yellow: legal in the market but on some restrictions
- Gray: Theses countries have to decide about bitcoin legality
- Pink: Contentious (not restricted directly)
Use this link to create wallet account https://login.blockchain.com/en/#/login
We can also view market value of bitcoin. We can create account in exchange block chain. Use this link to create account.
2. Ethereum
Ethereum is another largest crypto currency and its also an open-source platform. This Ethereum has a high list of founders but in the first stage, vitallink buterin person explained in a white paper. It was launched in the year 30 July 2015.
We can earn ethereum, by mining, and buying.

- In most of the countries, ethereum or cryptocurrency is legal and illegal
- Green: legal in these countries
- Red: illegal in these countries
- Yellow: legal in market but on some restrictions
- Light green: Alegal
- Gray: Theses countries have to decide about bitcoin legality
Use this link to create wallet account.

3. Bitcoin cash
- Bitcoin cash is a decentralized currency, It was announced on August 1st, 2017. It is split into two types two crypto currencies: Bitcoin Cash, and Bitcoin SV.
- Bitcoin cash transaction has an 8 MB block, which is faster than BTC and we get quick confirmation about any transaction.
- We have many websites to exchange BCC like BITTREX, Kraken, BITFINEX, BTCBOX, Coinfloor, and BTCPOP
- We have different wallets Bitcoin ABC, Bitcoinclassic, Bitcoinunlimited, and Ledger, etc.
- BCC transaction can be done through blockchair or Blockdozer explorer
- BCC is very fast, reliable, stable, secure, and simple to use without hash function.
- Use this link to use different wallets https://www.bitcoincash.org/wallets.html
Cardano is an another digital currency or crypto currency. Using this this we can also make direct transaction to other person without any mediator. It was launched in September 2107 and this fast growing.
Use this link to register. https://www.coindesk.com/price/cardano

- Here, we can view the complete currency value.
5. Ripple
Ripple is currency exchange. This was build in c++ and open source. it was developed in the year 2012 by jed McCaleb. This is same like bitcoin.
Use this link to create an account.

Here, we can see the complete details about XRP ripple cryptocurrency.

Cyber Security Specialist with 18+ years of industry experience . Worked on the projects with AT&T, Citrix, Google, Conexant, IPolicy Networks (Tech Mahindra) and HFCL. Constantly keeping world update on the happening in Cyber Security Area.