PUBG is an online game which is developed and published by the PUBG Corporation with Tencent , which is a subsidiary of south korean video game company name Bluehole. Security of online gaming is very important concept communicated to students in the ethical hacking classes of International Institute of cyber Security. This game is based on previous modes that were created by Brendan “PlayerUnknown”, inspired by the 2000 Japanese film Battle Royale,and it is expanded into a standalone game under Greene creative direction.

In this game, up to 100 players land on an island and search for weapons and other equipment to survive and kill others players. There is safe area in map decreases time by time, Which is called safe zone . Outside of safe zone your health gets decrease and this zone is called blue zone. The last player or last team who survive till the end, Wins the game . PUBG is the second best selling game in the world over 50 million copies sold till now ,and over 87 million daily players. NOW PUBG has a popular spot in the gaming industry in fact according to google and other gaming companies statistics says that most of the gamer play PUBG only .
What is PUBG? How can we play it?
PUBG is a open world game which is played online. It is server based game
PUBG has 3 modes
- Classic mode it has 4 map – Erangel, Miramar, Sanhok, Vikendi(beta) . We also have an option to play with full squad of 4 members or play duo or solo

- Arcade it has 4 modes- War, Quick Match, Sniper Training, Mini Zone
EvoGround it’s a new PUBG mode – Zombies:Darkest Night , Zombie: Survive Till Dawn 2

- In this game there are 100 players who are on one server and joins in waiting area where all the players wait for there team mates .
- And after waiting area, all the players jump out of a Aeroplane and land on island (PUBG play ground).

- When the player lands, player have nothing except clothes
- And in this game there is an option to talk (VOICE CHAT) with your teammates.
- And then they go and find home and loot guns, bags , med kit, helmet ,vast,painkillers ,scopes, mags, suits etc
- And then try to kill enemies
- There is also a building where you can hide
- Cars to run and kill
- You have to find enemies, they can be anywhere

- There is a random circle on the map called safe zone and each player should remain in it. The players have to remain in the safe zone.
- If not you will die outside and it shrinks too….. which we call blue zone.
- When you will kill all the enemies and you survives till and you will get the winner chicken dinner
- This is a wonder full game to play with friends

- Full of users
- Full of weapons
- Full of actions
you can play the game on pc , mobile and xbox
- Ethical hacking course of International Institute of Cyber Security, covers the internal working of games and way in which they can be hacked. As we all know pubg is an online multiplayer game. Its working is very simple. When a user or player download pubg on his device, game data like maps , characters , guns etc , also download with it .
- When a player start the game, all the data stored in his device, copy in memory with some memory address (which we denoted as hexadecimal) with some values. This values defined the location, guns, movement, characters, etc of the game.
- When we do any movements or other these value changes and send to the pubg server other players of the game get our location coordinates etc from the pubg server. That is how players gets each other movements etc form the server.
- pubg updates this values in every second or half second its depends your ping speed .

As we know that while playing pubg location coordinate, etc stores in the memory in some memory address and with some value. To hack the pubg we just need to change this values.
Lets take an example to show how hacking of pubg work
Lets assume that the 1003h is the memory address which stores the value of showing the color of the enemy and 2 is the value which show green color that the enemy is wearing , And 5 is value of white color if we change this value to 5 pubg will show you the enemy of white color, By this you can easily identify the where is enemy.

- MEMORY READER – For hacking PUBG hacker firstly need a memory reader which read the memory address with the value so that hacker can read and change the value at that memory address.
- ROOTED MOBILE OR VIRTUAL ENVIRONMENT – Non rooted users does not have the rights to read and change the memory values at the memory addresses.
- SCRIPT – For hacking PUBG we need a script which change the value at the specific memory addresses whenever we run the script.
- All these steps are performed by ethical hacking student of International Institute of Cyber Security.
- First download and install game guardian apk file from . This a memory reader - Open GameGuardian in your phone And select hack 32bit game in 64bit virtual space as shown in figure

- Now it will create a copy of GameGuardian with some random name so that PUBG can’t detect it by name. Then install it.

- Now download and install virtualxposed from
- Open virtualXposed and click on the menu button as shown in screenshot

- Now click on the Add App

- Now select the Copy of GameGuardian App which is installed with some random name in our case it is Matx and Select PUBG also to create the copy of the both app on virtual space.
- Then click on the Install

- Now click on the VIRTUALXPOSED

- Now open the GameGuardian app in the VirtualXxposed
- It will ask you the floating and other permission, so just give it every permissions.

- After giving permission just click on start .

- Now open PUBG in the VirtualXposed And click on the floating icon of GameGuardian.

- It will show you all the processes running in the memory , So Just click on the PUBG MOBILE

- Now click on the run button to select and run the script .

- Download the script from
- Now select the Downloaded script And click on EXECUTE

What are the different hacks that can be used while playing game?
There is a lots of ways to hack PUBG mobile but today while testing a one of the hack PUBG server bots ban our account for 3650 days as shown below

We are using a PUBG hack script to hack the game we are tried to hack UC cash, Unlimited health, NO recoil or zoom out. We are using PUBG 0.12.0 updated. Do not try PUBG hacks because it will ban your account permanently .
So how to hack pubg try at your own risk:
- first download NEW GAME GUARDIAN apk file form the link – - then dowaload the script form the link –
- then install NEW GAME GUARDIAN apk file on your device when you open you will get this tab to enable floating windows.

- when you properly given all the permissions to that app you will find the small floating button form which you have to run the downloaded script.

- click on the floating icon .

- when you open that window you will find multiple options be careful while using it .

- on the right hand side you will find the play icon click on it .

- then you have to locate the script file where you stored the script file . then open the script file

- after the script run you will get this options . click on M3NU

- then you are on next tab and find 3TC there click and open it. and now you can start the match but for testing we are opening training ground.

- And we are ready to hack pubg now you will get multiple hacks that you can use be careful while using these attacks because our account got banned while testing. We are showing you fullmapview hack click on and then ok

- then you will get the option to type meters that how much you want to zoom out we are taking 4444 meters . then click on ok

- And hack is working. All these are the part of research done by International Institute of Cyber Security and to demonstrate the impacts of hacks
Some tips to play better then others:
- Always move from a cover to cover but Remember to keep scanning your surroundings so that you don’t get open and free for an enemy.
- Take your kill shots high, but also the main objective is to survival until last. Try to survive and don’t try taking any shots you know you are not going to finish. Try to take head shots.
- Always try to find compensator or suppressor , and use other attachments
- PUBG has a vigilante software system which can monitors the whole game plays for possible cheat codes or hacks which are being used by the hacker while game play. Called the Battle Eye, this proactive anti-cheat protection system puts a strong shield around the entire game.
PUBG had already banned a number of players back in June 2018 when it was implemented a ban wave on players using cheat codes. - Now a days all the youtubers start playing pubg to get more likes and subscribes on there channels . Some people also make money while playing PUBG , in the form of bidding
- Through PUBG we also get the full knowledge about the weapons and every single information about the GUNS and AMMO . PUBG also taught us the real meaning of teamwork
PUBG mobile ban: Tencent reportedly imposes six-hour restriction on players in India
Recently In India most of the parents complaints to the Indian government that there kids most of a time play PUBG and become destructive .The Bombay High Court is now directed the Union government to look into it PUBG Mobile and take necessary actions accordingly to ban on the game as soon and possible. So Tencent decided to put some limitations on the PUBG game play and there by applying a time period on PUBG that you can PUBG only for 6 hours a day.