Android has become a top mobile operating system. International Institute of Cyber Security has been constantly updating users on the new android threats in ethical hacking classes. Now we have made a list of latest top best hacking application for your android device. These are the most advanced applications which is used by the ethical hacker or technology enthusiast.

Below we have listed all the best Android hacking applications of 2019.
- cSploit
- Orbot VPN
- whatsapps web pro
- Netcut pro
It is the most advanced and complete IT security toolkit for the Android operating system. It is a tool that enumerates local hosts, finds vulnerabilities and their exploits, installs backdoors, etc. This app will scan your whole wifi network, shows the devices connected with it and it is the part of the mobile hacking classes of the institute.
NOTE – This app is for rooted device only
Download link –
- First open the app
- It will scan whole your network and show the list of devices, now you have to pick a target on the same LAN which you want to attack. In our case we are attacking on DESKTOP-382RTON ( click on it
- Now you will have lots of options to use lets use them. We are using Port scanner click on it and it will scan and show all the open on this device.
- Now click on back and you will see this tab
- Now here click on MITM, you will get more useful very advanced options to use.
Orbot VPN
Orbot is a free android platform mobile application which is created by the guardian project , this is specially designed for increasing the anonymity of your android device on the internet. We can say its a hacking app but it is very very close too it because according to International Institute of cyber Security ethical hacking researcher, activists use this app to hide IP address form the government and do whatever we want to do. It is also use to suffer deep web or dark web . Now how to use it, here are the steps.
NOTE – This app is for Non-Rooted device only
- First you can download it form playstore
- Now open orbot VPN
- When you finish up with the reading you will see this tab
Now here you have two options to enable:
- 1st click on start but it is not safe because it will enable VPN but only for there browser It will change IP addresses. But only for that browser only .
- 2nd option is click on VPN Mode and enable it. It will ask you for the permission required to established a VPN tunnel mode. This is very useful option because it will change the IP address for the whole device. And this is one of the most secure way to hide our online identity.
Whats app Web Pro
So whatsapp web which is introduced by the company for those whe like to do all the works on PC’s. Whatsapp web is website where we can scan and use our whatsapp on PC to make our work easier . But some hackers or developers make the whatsapp web application for hacking whatsapp accounts. Once install this application on your device you will get the SCANNER code which you scan the victim whatsapp web. When the victim scan the code attacker have the full access to that whatsapps account you can send messages , change DP , calls etc.
But all the features are not available on free version, digital forensics researcher demonstrates the below link is used to download pro version of whatsapp web.
NOTE – This app is for Non-Rooted device only
Open the app and start scanning whatsapps accounts in pro version you can add lots of accounts on one whatsapp web application
Netcut Pro
Netcut is a tool which will make you king of Wi-Fi. It will disconnect all users & gives to whole wi-fi internet to surf. International Institute of Cyber Security also also demonstrated the internal concepts of this app in ethical hacking classes and it is the best and one of the most powerful administrator networking tool and it easy to operate.
NOTE – This app is for Rooted device only
- Download and install Netcut pro we will give you the link.
- Once installed open it.
- Grant it SuperUser permission or else it won’t work
- After the root permission is granted , let Netcut For Android read or scan all the device using the same Wifi Network
- just click on the various IP’s you wanna block, you can click on few or you can cut everyones access to the internet too.
- This is very use full app when you have less wifi speed but lots of users
The muse of VMOS comes from the Android. After a long term of exploring and developing a method to avoid the risks of root and the compatibility issue of some apps, we finally got the concept and found out of it. That’s VMOS. Virtual Machine Operating System .Limited to phone of more than 32 GB storage and 3 GB RAM.
Phone system should be higher or equal to Android 5.1.
This tool is developed for the one who wants to take revenge from there enemy, this is like a ddos attack in which you can send multiple messages to the victim as same things is used by BombitUP app. It send multiple sms to the victim to disturb then or take revenge
NOTE – This app is for Non-Rooted device only
It is freeware app download link-
- Download and install on you device
- After that type the victim number and set the limit how much you want to send the SMS you can select upto 150 only not more then that.
- In our case we are sending only 20 SMS only for testing .
And this is the victim device