Yes, WannaCry is horrible. It locked people’s files and ruined businesses all over the world. With that being said, that doesn’t mean people can’t have fun with it.
Over the last few days, a new Internet meme has become popular among infosec professionals, and that’s the act of photoshopping the WannaCry ransom note on anything that has a screen.
The trend emerged over the weekend after people kept uploading images on Twitter with real-life WannaCry infections, such as universities, train stations, ATMs, ad displays, and factory equipment.
It only took one troll to photoshop one image to get the ball rolling. Now we have all sorts of craziness, ranging from pregnancy tests to the Star Trek Enterprise. Below is a selection of the weirdest images you’ll find on Twitter if you search for WannaCry.
Pregnancy tests (source)
Nokia 3310 phones (source)
Washing machines (source)
Microwave ovens (source)
Air conditioner remotes (source)
Smartwatches (source)
LED screens (source)
Nest devices (source)
Google Glass (source)
Old school digital watches (source)
Old computers (source)
Firewalls (source)
Nintendo Game Boy (source)
Nintendo DS (source)
Car GPS systems (source)
Wall Street (source)
The Matrix (source)
The Star Trek Enterprise (source)
Sean Spicer (source)

Working as a cyber security solutions architect, Alisa focuses on application and network security. Before joining us she held a cyber security researcher positions within a variety of cyber security start-ups. She also experience in different industry domains like finance, healthcare and consumer products.