According to the global perspective of enterprise data security company; integrity, confidentiality, availability, auditability, and non-repudiation are the five fundamental pillars for any business data security solution. For small and medium-sized companies in countries like Mexico, Brazil, United States, Colombia, Argentina, UAE, India, the matter of business data security is very critical. Business data security solutions not only help in the improvement of security of IT resources, but they also ensure that resources are prepared to handle any contingencies that may interrupt the growth of the company. Companies can easy implement security using business data security solutions such as data security management system.
The data security management system covers different areas, such as security plan, data security policies, quality assurance, among others. The complete implementation of data security management system consists of three processes:
1. Planning
2. Implementation
3. Verification & Updating
According to Mike Steven, a data security services expert associated with an enterprise data security company; the implementation of a business data security solution, provides many functions. These functions include visibility into the current state of IT resources, data security controls and enterprise data security specialization that can be applied to make sound decisions about the applied strategy. Following are the processes that are a part of a data security management system.
Planning of data security management system
In this process, design of the data security management system architecture is done. Experts from enterprise data security company, claim that this process helps establish policies, business data security solutions, and accomplish business data security objectives. The first step in the planning process is to determine the security requirements.
Determine the security requirements
Security requirements are determined through the implementation of data security services and are an important part of the data security management system architecture. Security risk analysis is part of information security services and helps in calculating the potential impacts of risks, their probability of occurrence and identification of IT resources to protect.
According to Jorge Rios, a data security training professor who works in data security school; data security services must:
- Define IT resources.
- Identify and evaluate threats and vulnerabilities along with their priorities.
Data security services can be distinguished in two aspects:
- Data security service for risk assessment, to determine which systems can be affected by threats and establishing risk priorities and impacts.
- Data security service for the identification, selection, approval, management of risks and data security controls to eliminate or reduce risks. Experts from enterprise data security company, claim that this service would help in reducing the impact of the threat and in the recovery from the impact.
Thus, data security services must determine the security requirements and must cover the following processes.
1. Define IT resources
Defining IT resources includes the determination of all the IT resources that must be protected, their value and classifications according to their priorities. According to the data security course professor; a good definition of IT resource should include any aspect that makes more precise its description as its location, types of technology, people that operate it etc. Data security services experts must perform the definition of IT resources taking into account aspects such as: the function performed its cost and effort value. Mike Steven, data security services expert associated with an enterprise data security company mentions, that this process helps in determining the critical IT resources and the risks to which they are subjected.
According to the experience of data security services experts; there is a tendency to declare IT resources as critical that actually aren’t critical. In dealing with this aspect the company should take help of data security services experts to avoid problems in the future.
2. Identification and evaluation of security risks
Companies can identify security risks in IT resources s through data security services as it’s an important part of the data security management system architecture. Risk analysis involves the examination of each threat. Some enterprise data security companies also carry out the risk estimation. The risk estimation determines the chances of materialization of the threats and helps in the selection of security controls that should be implemented.
Companies typically implement some business data security solutions. According to data security services specialists from enterprise data security company, it is necessary to assess the effectiveness of existing business data security solutions, on the basis of results from risk analysis. This will help businesses to guide and implement business data security solutions with more effectiveness or to take help from an enterprise data security company to protect their IT resources.
3. Selection of data security controls
Companies should select data security controls based on the risk analysis, the criteria for the risk acceptance, the options for resolving risks, and to meet the security standards. Companies can identify security controls through the implementation of data security services. Security controls are an integral part of any business data security solution and of the data security management system architecture. Implementation of a data security management system can be achieved by implementing a suitable set of controls, which include policies, procedures, processes and business data security solutions.
Selection of security controls must be revised by experts with experience in data security services and by heads of companies that has the power to enforce them. As per the experts from enterprise data security companies, business data security solutions and procedures are the first step in protecting IT resources. Security controls must be implemented using procedures and business data security solutions that ensure their compliance. Business data security solutions are classified according to their origin: administrative; physical or logical security; operations security; and educational. At the same time, by way of working of business data security solutions can be: prevention, detection and recovery. In the case that a business does not have expertise to implement business data security solutions, it could establish contacts with enterprise data security companies or external groups, including appropriate authorities, to keep up with the industry trends, monitor standards and methods of evaluation.
Implementation of data security management system
The process of implementation of the data security management system includes management of risks identified through the application of business data security solutions and controls. This process ensures that the employees of the company have the knowledge and skills, through data security training. According to data security school professor, companies should implement training programs and data security courses that should cover the following aspects:
- The employees should understand the importance of the data security management system for the organization, with the help of the data security training course.
- The data security training course must ensure the dissemination of knowledge and understanding of the security policies that are implemented.
- The data security training course should train the users in procedures and solutions that will be implemented.
- The employees must be aware of the roles they need to fulfill within the data security management system after taking the data security training course.
- With the help of data security training course, employees must understand the procedures and controls that are required to detect and provide timely response to the security incidents.
For the successful implementation of data security management system, companies must ensure the implementation of all controls, including policies, procedures, processes, business data security solutions and development of employee’s skills with the data security courses.
Verifying and Updating data security management system
The process of verification of data security management system includes verification of the performance, the effectiveness of the ISMS and the periodic verification of the residual risks. According to the enterprise data security company, businesses must do periodic internal/external audit to achieve their business objective.
The process of updating the data security management system includes making changes based on the results of the verification process to ensure maximum performance of the data security management system. This process usually runs in parallel with the process of verification, thus is also responsible for the maintenance of the system. As per experience of the data security services experts, during the implementation of this process modification of the security control or implementing new business data security solutions may be required. Thus companies must evaluate new risks and provide training to staff about the changes or about new solutions.
The implementation of data security management system is an important step in the field of security. The enterprise data security company should have experience in business data security solutions, and must have a team of experts in the implementation of data security management system. Data security services experts have years of experience with private and public sector in several countries.

Information security specialist, currently working as risk infrastructure specialist & investigator.
15 years of experience in risk and control process, security audit support, business continuity design and support, workgroup management and information security standards.