This post by SAP Product Security Response Team shares information on Patch Day Security Notes* that are released on second Tuesday of every month and fix vulnerabilities discovered in SAP products. SAP strongly recommends that the customer visits the Support Portal and applies patches on a priority to protect his SAP landscape.
On 10th of November 2015, SAP Security Patch Day saw the release of 9 security notes. Additionally, there are 4 updates to previously released Patch Day Security Notes and 2 out of band releases followed bySpotlight News.
Security Notes vs Vulnerability Type – November 2015
Security Notes vs Priority Distribution (June – November 2015)**
* Patch Day Security Notes are all notes that appear under the category of “Patch Day Notes” in SAP Support Portal
** Any Patch Day Security Note released after the second Tuesday, will be accounted for in the following SAP Security Patch Day.
To know more about the security researchers and research companies who have contributed for security patches of this month visit SAP Product Security Response Acknowledgement Page

Information security specialist, currently working as risk infrastructure specialist & investigator.
15 years of experience in risk and control process, security audit support, business continuity design and support, workgroup management and information security standards.